
101个Google技巧 - Google技巧的终极收集

101个Google技巧 - Google技巧的终极收集


1. info:site_name 这个修饰语可以返回关于某特定页面的信息.

2. 同样的,在普通搜索后点击"相似网页"可以链接到Google认为相似的页面结果.

3. 如果只想搜索某一个风址里的内容,可能用site: 来实现,比如说search tips site:www.techradar.com.

4. 上述技巧通过像www.dmoz.org这样的目录网站并动态地生成网址.

5. 也可直接进入Google Directory这样的人工挑选出来的数量有限的数据库网站,网址是www.direcory.google.com.

6. intitle和inurl这样的布尔运算符像OR一样在Google Directory中同样适用.

7. 当你用Google图片搜索时,用site:的修饰语可以只搜索某一个网站内的图片,比如 dvd recorder site:www.amazon.co.uk.

8. 同样的,用"site:.com"只会返回带有.com域名后缀网站里的结果.

9. Google新闻(news.google.com)有他自己的布尔运算符.例如“intext” 只会从一条新闻的主体内容里查询结果.

10. 在Google新闻里如果你用“source:”这个运算符,你可以得到特定的新闻存档.比如:heather mills source:daily_mail

11. 通过"location:"过滤器你可以等到特定国家的新闻,比如 location:uk

12. 同样的Google博客搜索(blogsearch.google.com)也有它自己的句法.你可以搜索某篇日志的标题,比如 "inblogtitle:"

13. Google的普通搜索也可以确实也可以得到精确的结果,不如用"movie:" 来寻找电影评论.

14. “film:”修饰语效果也一样.

15. 在搜索框里输入上映时间,Google会提示你提交你的邮编,然后Google就会告诉你什么时候什么地方将会有好戏上演.

16. 如果想要一个专门的电影搜索页面,可以去www.google.co.uk/movies

17. 如果你圈选了“记住地点”后,下次你查询电影放映时间只需要输入电影名字就够了.

18. Google确实在电影方面的搜索上下了些功夫.比如在搜索框中输入“director:<电影名>”你将得到什么结果?你肯定猜到了吧.

19. 如果想得到演员名单,如需输入“cast:name_of_film”

20. 在乐队名、歌曲名或者专辑名前加上“music:”可以得到相关的音乐信息和评论.

21. 如果你在搜索框里输入“weather London”便可以得到伦敦最近四天完整的天气预报.

22. Google也内置了词典,在搜索框里用"define:the_word"试试.

23. Goolge保存了网站过去的内容.你可以直接搜索某个页面在Google服务器里的缓存,相关句法是“keyword cache:site_url”

24. 相应的,直接在搜索框里输入“cache:site_url”可以直接进入缓存页面.

25. 如果你手边没有计算器,只要记住Google同样内置了这么一个功能.输入“12*15”然后点击搜索试试.

26. Google的内置计算器不但可以转换尺寸还可以理解自然语言.搜索一下“14 stones in kilos”

27. 汇率转换也同样适用,试试“200 pounds in euros”

28. 如果你知道某货币的代码,将得到更加可靠的结果,例如"200 GBR in EUR"

29. 温度呢?Google也没有放过,输入“98 f to c”便可以把华氏转换为摄氏.

30. 想知道Google到底有多聪明呢?输入“2476 in roman numerals”然后点击“搜索”就知道了.

31. 你也可以保存你的Google使用习惯偏好,只需要在www.google.com/account上注册一个帐号便可.

32. 一旦有了Google帐号,不旦可以免费获得一个Gmail帐号,最主要的是可以畅通无阻地遨游于Google的世界.

33. 登陆你的Google帐户,通过“iGoogle”你还可以个性化你的Google主页.

34. 在“iGoogle”上点击"Add a Tab"来添加多个内容模块,Google会根据你添加的甩有模块来自适应整个页面.

35. "iGoogle"允许你为主页更换模板,点击"Select Theme"便可改变现有的默认主题.

36. 有一些"iGoogle"主题会随着时间的改变而改变,比如"Sweet Dreams"就是一个随着白天到夜晚的更迭而改变的一款主题.

37. 点击"Try something new" 下面的"More" 就可以看到一个更加完整的Google网站列表和一些新的功能.

38. "Custom Search"帮助你为你自己的网站建立一个Google牌的搜索引擎.

39. 另外,那张列表还忘掉了一个很有用的服务“Personalised Search",不过你可以通过访问www.google.com/psearch来使用它.(一个保存你搜索记录的服务——译者注)

40. 这个页面列出了你最近的搜索,并按特定分类来区分他们,点击"pause" 就可以阻止Google记录你的搜索历史.

41. 点击"Trends"可以看到你最访问的网站,你最搜索最多的条目以及最常点击的链接.

42. 个性化搜索同样包括了一个书签服务,它帮助你在线保存书签并可以在任何地方获取他们.

43. 更方便的是,你可以在"iGoogle"上添加一个书签模块来添加或访问它们.

44. 你知道你还可以搜索Google返回的结果么?滑到搜索结果页面底部便可以找到那链接.

45. 在你的查询后面附加你的邮编便可以搜索本地信息.

46. 找地图?只需要在搜索关键词后面多写一个"map",比如“Leeds map”

47. Google搜索图片(这里指直接在Google首页而不是Google Map页面,译者注)非常简单,只要你在关键词后而多写个“image”,你就会在搜索结果的顶部看到相关的图片结果.

48. 神奇的是Google图片搜索可以识别人脸,在浏览器地址栏搜索结果页面网址后面添加“&imgtype=face” 确定后Google会过滤掉所有不是人的图片.

49. 想关注股市行情?只需要在"stock:"后面填上公司的股票代码便可以得到从Google财经返回的结果.

50. 在Google的搜索框中输入航空公司或者航班号可以获得相关的航班信息.

51. 现在几点了?在地点前面加上“time”可以得到任务地方的时间.

52. 你也许已经注意到了在输入关键词时Google会交替提示你的拼写,那内置的拼写检查在起作用.

53. 你可以在关键词前加上"spell:"来直接调用Google的拼写检查功能.

54. 点击"I'm Feeling Lucky" (手气不错)可以直接访问关键词搜索第一个结果的网页.

55. 输入基于统计的查询关键词,比如population of Britain,在结果顶部Google会告诉你它的答案.

56. 如果你看到的搜索有非英文结果,点击"Translate this Page" 可以看到由Google帮你翻译的英文内容.

57. 你也可以搜索国外网站的内容,点击语言工具,然后选择你想要Google帮你翻译查询的国家.

58. 语言工具的另一个特色是可以帮你翻译一些可自由剪贴的文本字块.

59. 这里也有一个区域,你可以直接输入网址,并让Google翻译成你想要的语言.

60. 在“语言工具”链接上面你可以看到一个“使用偏好”的链接,这是一个包含了一些私密设置的页面.

61. 你可以明确地告诉Google你希望返回结果的语言,可根据你的喜好进行多选.

62. Google的安全搜索可以保护你免受色情内容的侵犯.你可以选择性的让过滤系统更加严格或者把它完全地关闭.

63. 在使用偏好里,你可以改变Google搜索单页显示结果的结果数,默认为10.

64. 你也可以设置为在新窗口打开Google的搜索结果.

65. 想知道他人在搜索的内容或者提高你自己网站的Pagerank值(Google自行开发的网页质量等级排名评估算法,Pagerank值越高的网页在搜索结果里越靠前,译者注)?去www.google.com/zeitgeist看看.

66. 另一个强大的实验性功能可以在www.google.com/trends找到,你可以知道哪些是热门搜索条目.

67. 在Google趋势搜索框里输入以逗号间隔的多个关键词,可以对比他们的搜索表现.

68. 想用克林贡语搜索?去www.google.com/intl/xx-klingon就可以了.

69. 也许你提线木偶里的瑞典厨师是你的榜样?点击www.google.com/intl/xx-bork看看.

70. 在搜索框里输入“answer to life, the universe and everything”,你肯定会被结果吓一跳.

71. Google还可以告诉你独角兽有多少只角,(够搞笑吧).输入“number of horns on a unicorn”看看.

1. 更加全面地用Google搜索的最好方式是点击高级搜索.

2. 它可以让你搜索更加精准的词组,“所有词组”或者是适当的搜索框里输入词组的某一个特定关键词.

3. 在高级搜索里你依然可以自定义在一张页面上展示多少个搜索结果,你所寻找的信息语言和文件格式.

4. “搜索以下网站或网域”可以让你通过输入一个顶级域名(如.co.uk)来限定搜索结果.

5. 你也可以点击“日期、使用权限、数字范围和更多”的链接以获取更高级的功能.(Google中文直接分条在页面展示.)

6. 保存设置,这些高级功能大多也可以在Google首页的搜索框中通过命令行参数来实现

7. Google的主要搜索可以无形地用布尔结构“AND”来结合.你当输入smoke fire - 它表示寻找smoke AND fire.

8. 要让Google搜索Smoke 或者fire,只需要输入smoke OR fire.

9. 你也可以用 | 来代替OR.如:smoke | fire.

10. 像AND 和 OR 这样的布尔结构对大小写非常敏感.他们必须是全部大写.

11. 搜索专有名词,然后输入用括号括住的一个或者几个关键词.比如water (smoke OR fire)

12. 寻找短语,可以把它们放在引号里.比如:"there's no smoke without fire".

13. 同义搜索来寻找那些类似的信息,只须在你的关键词臆加一根波浪线,比如:~eggplant.

14. 用减号来排除关键词,如:new pram -ebay 可以让搜索结果排除来自Ebay的婴儿车信息.

15. 像 I, and, then ,if 这类普通词语是要被Google 忽略的.他们被称作停滞词语.

16. 而加号却可以让这些停滞词语给包含进来,比如:fish +and chips.

17. 如果一个停滞词语被包含在那些作为短语的引用标记中间的句子中时,这些词语是被Google允许的.

18. 你也可以要求Google进行简省搜索,试一下:Christopher Columbus discovered *

19. 用数字范围功能来搜索数字范围.例如:搜索价位在300英到500英磅之间的索尼电视可以用以下字串:Sony TV £300..£500.

20. 通过高级搜索Google认可13种主要文件格式,其中包括Office, Lotus, PostScript, Shockwave Flash 和text.

21. 搜索这些文件只需直接使用修饰符 filetype:[文件扩展名].例如:soccer filetype:pdf.

22. 要排除整个文件格式,只需使用以前我们排除关键词时使用的相同布尔句法:橄榄球 -filetype:doc

23. 事实上,只要你的语法正确,你可以混合使用任何布尔搜索运算符.举个例子便是:"sausage and mash" -onions filetype:doc

24. Google也有很多功能强大却隐藏着的搜索参数,例如“intitle” 仅仅只会搜索网页标题(titles).你可以用这个例子试一试:intitle:网页设计

25. 如果你只是寻找文件而不是网页,只需用index of 代替intitle:参数.它可以帮助你寻找网络和FTP目录.

26. inurl这个修饰语只会搜索网页的网址,不妨用这个例子试一试 inurl:spices

27. 通过 inurl:vien/view.shtml 你可以找到在线的网络摄像头.

28. inanchor这个修饰语非常特别,它仅仅只会寻找那些作为超链接的文本.

29. 想知道有多少链接指向一个网站.可以试试这个语法:link:网址 - 比如link:www.mozilla.org

30. 同样的,你也可以通过 related:修饰语来找到Google认为相似的内容.比如: related:www.microsoft.com




2008-10-21 13:35:54   来自: 听棠

  1、霍兰德SDS职业兴趣测试(适合高中生、大一大二学生)    理论:    美国著名职业指导专家 J.霍兰德(HOLLAND)编制的, 在几十年间经过一百多次大规模的实验研究,形成了人格类型与职业类型的学说和测验。 该测验能帮助被试者发现和确定自己的职业兴趣和能力专长, 从而科学地做出求职择业。   霍兰德在其一系列关于人格与职业关系的假设的基础上,提出了六种基本的职业类型。   1.实际型。(如一般劳工、技工、修理工等)和技术性职业(如摄影师、机械装配工等)。   2.研究型。其典型的职业包括科学研究人员、工程师等。   3.艺术型。(如演员、导演)、文学方面的(如,诗人、剧作家等)。   4.社会型。其典型的职业包括教育工作者与社会工作者。   5.企业型。其典型的职业包括政府官员、企业领导等。   6.传统型。其典型的职业包括办公室人员、会计、打字员等。       应用:    此霍兰德职业兴趣测试一般是适合于高中生,通过此测试可以让高中生确定自己的兴趣爱好,给大学的专业选择提供参考。目前我们国内的很多高中已经在实施霍兰德职业兴趣测试了,这是好的开始。如果你是大学生大一、大二的话也可以测一下,及时进行调整。   


  理论:    按照卡尔容格对于人的心理类型的基本划分,人群分别属于外向型E或内向型I:前者倾向于在自我以外的外部世界发现意义,而后者则把相应的心理过程指向自身。接下来就是四种心理功能的划分:两种理性功能(思考S和情感F)以及两种感知功能(实感S和直觉N)。每个人都有自己的某一个主导类型,而圆满的状态,则是这四种心理能力的齐头并进。       应用:    MBTI测试是目前性格测试中最著名的,已经应用到全球五百强的很多企业,中国企业有“宝钢”“海尔”等大型公司,主要用于员工的性格确定,以便公司对员工进行有效的发展规划。此测试不适合高中生主要是因为高中生在性格养成上还未完全确定,尤其我们国内的教育导致学生的性格被严重压抑。     



理论:    职业锚的概念是最早由美国的施恩教授在1978年出版的《职业动力论》这本书中提到的。但是对职业锚下一个准确的定义是在26年以后才有的。2004年,笔者在浙江巨化股份有限公司进行职业生涯开发与管理培训时,与该公司的党委书记苗育先生共同研讨确定了一个职业锚的定义:    职业锚就是最佳职业定位,是一个人在长期的职业生涯实践中通过内外部条件、因素的比较,自觉主动选择能最有利于自身发展和作出最大贡献的职业定位,简称职业锚。       应用:职业锚主要用于在职员工,已经对自己的职业有所了解,尤其是前五年的工作,是处于职业转变期,需要在一次次的职业转变成找到真正属于自己的那份职业锚。主要用于转行、跳槽等员工先使用职业锚测评对自我的定位有个真实的认识。   俗话说:"找到职业锚,做人生之舟的船长"     


  4、贝尔宾团队角色测试(适合团队工作的在职员工,尤其是创业团队)    理论:    团队角色理论,也叫做贝尔宾团队角色理论(Belbin Team Roles),贝尔宾(Dr. Raymond Meredith Belbin)是英国剑桥大学的教授,他在1981年出版了一本书《团队管理:他们为什么成功或失败》(Management Teams - Why They Succeed or Fail),在这本书中他提出了团队角色模型的理论。   贝尔宾教授的理论中指出,每个人在工作环境中都有两个角色,一个是职能部门里的角色,通常由个体的岗位头衔所决定;另一个不那么明显,是个体天然倾向的团队角色。根据这个理论,贝尔宾教授创造了九种类型的团队角色,它们分别是:智多星、协调者、推进者、监督员、外交家、凝聚者、实干家、完美主义者、以及专家。每种类型的角色都有其特色与专长,但也伴随着一定的可接受(Allowable)的弱势。    每个人都不至只有一个角色,一般会有两个左右的“显著角色”,团队是否完美就是团队中的人是否在“显著角色”中有“互补”效应。       应用:    只要你是在团队中工作,你想让团队出色的完成任务,团队角色区分是必须的。俗话说“没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队”。尤其是对于以“项目型”为主导的团队,比如创业团队,你想创业成功,就必须要明确你的团队中各自担当的角色,是否具有“互补”效应,这也是为什么风投(VC)问你的第一个问题“请描述一下你的团队”。    尤其是互联网创业,技术的重要性不可或缺,如果你是技术型人才,那你在创业时千万不要再去找技术人合伙人了,因为那并不能“互补”你的团队。60%的互联网创业失败都是基于太过于“技术化”。      



  理论:    工作中,冲突通常被认为是负面的影响。但实际上,冲突恰恰是组织变化和改善沟通的催化剂!TKI 冲突模型(The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI))是目前全球最主要的冲突管理评价方法,被专家们用来学习各种不同的冲突处理方式以及它对个人及团队的影响。   冲突情境是指两个人的关注看来不可调和的情境,在这种情境下,我们能从两个基本的维度来描述一个人的行为:(1)【强硬性】,个体试图满足自己的关注的程度;(2)【合作性】,个体试图满足他人的关注的程度。用行为的这两个基本维度,即【强硬性】与【合作性】可以定义五类应对冲突的具体方法,这五类冲突分别是:竞争型、合作型、妥协型、回避型、顺应型。       应用:    学过PMP(项目管理专家,全球最著名的项目管理机构)的朋友都会学到“冲突管理”的一章,TKI的测试让你去跟其他经理人比较,在处理中你采用的方式是否存在偏差。“管理”的目的归根到底就是“处理冲突”。     



理论:   DISC理论首先在20世纪的早期出现,William Moulton Marston教授,心理“测谎器”的创始人,他基于其个人激励的理论创建了DISC的行为因素分析方法,并在其书中-The Emotions of Normal People加以构建,这是迄今为止,为数不多的将心理学运用于心理健康常人的尝试。从此之后,DISC这四个字母-Dominance(支配),Influence(影响),Steady(稳健),Compliance(服从)便广为流传。      内在行为模式:是您天生的、固有的行为模式,代表着您最自然真实的内在动机和欲求。这种行为之所以常在您处于压力时显现,是因为您没有空间或时间去思考如何调整您的行为,这种行为模式您通常不自知;      外在行为模式:是您基于您自身对环境的判断与认知,认为自己在特定环境下理应呈现的理想行为模式。这个模式通常代表个人试图在工作中采用的行为类型,是您的一张环境“面具”,这种行为模式通常不被他人所知;      认知行为模式:在真实世界里,每个人对自己都有一种特定的认知,继而产生一种特定的行为模式,这种行为模式是个体来自过去的习得性反映与环境期待的一种结合,这种行为模式相对稳定,因此也通常被他人自己所熟知。     

  应用:   对于目前的招聘中,DISC是用的最多的招聘测评之一,中国的大中型企业、猎头公司以及国际上的大企业,在招聘时经常会使用此DISC测评,他们不是需要你的技能,更注重的是你的行为模式,这是属于基本素质之一。你现在就可以自我测试一下,免得应聘时无所适从:)      DISC也可以帮助个人更加成熟,更加具备主观能动性,基于环境的要求去调整自己的行为,而不要总是依着自己的性格去。      备注:DISC是个最复杂的测评,报告只解读了一些你容易看懂的部分,而对于详细的内在-外在-认识行为模式,需要具有心理学知识并接受DISC认证顾问才能正确解读,你要是有条件的话,应该咨询专业的顾问进行解答。   

   测试地址:http://www.yiiway.com/ydisc/               16PF等测试会陆续发布的。


A Loss of Credibility: the American

A Loss of Credibility: An American Story

Roger Snyder ( October 5, 2008)

Poster: Ebony

The past 8 years have not been kind to the United States. We were attacked in 2001 by Islamic terrorists. We have preemptively started 2 wars, both of which are still going on and one of which ( the Iraq war ) was started, and continues to this day, based on false information. In those continuing wars we have absorbed over 4100 of our young soldiers deaths, over 30,000 have been wounded, over 300,000 Iraqi’s have been killed ( most of them civilians ) and the cost of the war is approaching $800 billion and we continue to spend $10billion per month on the war effort. Many of our allies have left us and pulled their troops back home. We are facing the worst financial crisis in nearly 80 years since our Great Depression. Our unemployment is at a 7 year high, the stock market is now lower than when President Bush took office. Worst of all our credibility around the world is perhaps at an all time low.

How did this all happen? Is it so simple to just blame the Bush administration? Or were the current events we now must deal with simply inevitable to happen? That is to say, all the bad things going on now – were they going to happen anyway because of who we are? Were they going to happen anyway because of the way Americans think and behave?

I believe all the bad things that have happened, and continue to happen, is because of the behavior of the United States and the behavior of its people. It’s who we are that has put us in this mess. It’s the “swagger” of the American – that we can do anything we want – that is the root cause of all of these calamaties. And our competitors around the world? They must surely be enjoying the spectacle of a financially broken United States that is mired in 2 military conflicts that appear to have no ending. Our longstanding allies ( and many new ones ) have backed away from supporting further U.S. “adventures”. Our friends don’t even trust us anymore. They are now blaming their countries problems on the U.S. !

The U.S. Government has lost such credibility with its’ own citizens that our Congress has only a 9% approval amongst its voters. The Presidents approval rating is a mere 27%. In the history of the civilized world when people have disapproved of their leadership in such numbers as those a revolution or coup usually was the answer.

We, as a nation, will have a coup and that coup will take place on the first Tuesday of November 2008 when Americans will vote for a new President and new representatives in Congress. Out with the old in with the new.

Why do Americans so distrust their own government? The very government that they themselves voted in in a majority? It’s because we the people of these United States feel betrayed. We are certain our leaders have lied to us about the war and its cause. We are certain our government caters only to the wealthy as proved by the bailout of Wall Street – while ordinary Americans are losing their homes and their jobs in record numbers. Just last month ( September 2008 ) over 159,000 Americans lost their jobs. I don’t know about you but it’s very hard to make your house payments, feed your family, send your children to college and put gas in your car when you don’t have a job. However, with all that happening within our own country – we still can bailout the rich Wall Street Banks and traders with over $700 billion !

The American public has seen enough. Change will come. For good or bad, history will tell us. But, just as in physics, nature abhors a vacuum and so does politics. There will be a radical shift of power, focus and policy with a new administration. The people demand it.

I think we will see more of an administration that mirrors the Clinton Presidency of the 1990’s. A policy that we as a nation get along better with our neighbors around the world. A nation that no longer acts and behaves unilaterally towards problems around the world or bullies its allies to support our position or face an upset U.S. That’s why we have lost the respect of our longtime European allies. We have forced them these past 8 years to support us in Iraq, in Afghanistan, throughout the Middle East, and indeed around the world. These democratic governments are now facing the wrath of their own people who are blaming them for own ills which they then point to the root cause of all these problems – THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !

In the past Americans were loved around the world. Our manners, our culture, our honesty, our whole sense of optimism were revered around the world.

Now Americans are hardly even welcome in Europe ( Germany, Italy and France in particular ). The British are still our close allies but the tension with them is evident. The people there blame us for their woes. We have dragged them into wars and helped ruin their banking systems along with ours. The American – Euro banking system is in serious trouble. The Australians have lost their appetite for a war action that doesn’t appear to have an end.

Our countries finances are so broken that Chinese Sovereign Wealth Funds are now searched out as investors to shore up our broken system ( Morgan Stanley specifically ) and the Chinese Government itself is the second largest buyer ( Japan is first ) of our national debt from our own Treasury !

Why has our Government lost such credibility with its own citizens? Well, it’s hard to explain to your citizens that the financial system is so broken that we need to take money from the poor to give to the rich but first we have to borrow that money from a Government that our Government continues to call “communists”- so then we can give that money to the rich on Wall Street. But, since we “borrowed” it ( since we don’t have any money of our own any more ) from the “communists” we have to pay it back – so, the poor tax payer gets the privilege of paying back the “communists” and the rich Wall Street guys? Well, they’re still rich. The tax payer? He’s still poor. The “communists”? Well, they’re obviously the richest of all.

In summary, perhaps the best answer to all of our problems is to become “communists”. After all, they seem to be the only guys with any money, and their country is also the only major Super Power who hasn’t been involved in a war in the past 50 years.


信用的失丧--- 美国的故事

作者:罗杰 (Roger Snyder)

翻译: 罗玲







为什么美国人民如此不信任他们自己的政府,他们大多人自己亲手选出来的政府?这是因为,我们,美国人民,感到被背叛了。我们可以肯定我们的领袖关于这场战争及其原因对我们说了谎。我们可以肯定我们的政府只是一味地迎合富人们—这次的华尔街救市就是很好的证明---当普通美国人民正在创纪录地失去他们的家园,失去他们的工作时。 就在上个月(2008年九月)就有十五万九千人失业。我不知道你怎么样,但是如果没有工作,你要支付房款,供养家庭,送孩子上学,给车子加油便极端困难。然而,当这些在我们自己的国家发生时,我们竟然还能够用七千亿美元帮助富有的华尔街银行和交易商摆脱困境。






为什么我们的政府在我们的公民们面前如此失去信用?要跟你的公民们解释是非常困难的。我们的金融系统如此崩溃,我们不得不拿穷人的钱给富人。但首先我们政府要从那个我们继续称之为“共产主义”的政府那里借钱。这样,我们才能把那笔钱给华尔街的富人们。 但是,既然我们是从“共产主义们”手里借钱 (既然我们自己再也没钱了),我们还是要归还的。那么,可怜的纳税人就理所当然地要把钱还给“共产主义们”了。那么华尔街的富人们呢?他们继续富裕。纳税人呢? 继续捱穷。“共产主义们”? 当然,他们显而易见是最富有的了。



The Apple Tree’s Discovery-A lovely story i like very much

Please have patient to read through this stroy, you can't find it in goolge , i tried ,

the story is talked by my foreign teacher Marlene , and Moshe showed the apple star for us , leave me a deep impression, and also know some reasons in life , so please enjoy it :

The Apple Tree’s Discovery
by Pninnah Schram and Rachel Echstein Davis

In a great oak forest, where the trees grew tall and majestic, there was a little apple tree. It was a little apple tree. It was the only apple tree in that forest and so it stood alone. Winter came. As the snow feel to the forest floor, it covered the branches of the little apple tree. The forest was quiet and peaceful.
One night the little apple tree looked up at the sky and saw a wonderful sight. Between the branches of all the trees, the little apple tree saw the stars in the stars in the sky, which appeared to be hanging on the branches of the oak trees. “Oh God, Oh God,” whispered the little apple tree, “How lucky those oak trees are to have such beautiful stars hanging on their branches. I want more than anything in the world to have stars on my branches, just like the oak trees have! Then I would feel truly special.” God looked down at the little apple tree and said gently, “Have patience! Have patience, little apple tree!”
Time passed. The snows melted and spring came to the land. Tiny white and pink apple blossoms appeared on the branches of the little apple tree. Birds came to rest on its branches. People walked by the little apple tree and admired its beautiful blossoms. All summer long, the apple tree continued to grow. The branches of the tree formed a canopy overhead as they filled with leaves and blossoms.
But night after night, the little apple tree looked up at the sky with the millions, and millions, and millions and millions of stars and cried out, “Oh God, I want more than anything in the world to have stars in my tree and on my branches and in my leaves just like those oak trees.” And God looked down at the little apple tree and said. “You already have gifts. Isn’t it enough to have shade to offer people, and fragrant blossoms, and branches for birds to rest on so they can sing you their song?” The apple tree sighted and answered simply, “Dear God, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but that is not special enough! I do appreciate how much pleasure I give to others, but what I really want more than anything in the world is to have stars, not blossoms on my branches! Then I would feel truly special.” God smiled and answered, “Be patient, little apple tree.”
The seasons changed again. Soon the apple tree was filled with many beautiful apples. People walked in the forest. Whoever saw the apple tree would reach up, pick an apple and eat it. And still, when night came to the forest, the apple tree looked at the stars on my branches! Then I would feel truly special.”
And God asked, “But apple tree, isn’t it enough that you now have such wonderful apples to offer people? Doesn’t that satisfy you? Doesn’t that give you enough pleasure and make you feel special?” Without saying a word, the apple tree answered by shaking its branches from side to apple tree began to shake. From the top of the apple tree an apple fell. When it hit the ground, it split open.
“Look,” commanded God, “Look inside yourself. What do you see?”
The little apple tree looked down and saw that right in the middle of the apple was a star. And the apple tree answered, “A star! A star! ” And God laughed a gentle laugh and added, “So you do have stars on your branches. They’ve been there all along, you just didn’t know it.”

Epilogue: Usually when we want to cut an apple, we cut it by holding the apple with its stem up. But in order to find its star, we must turn it on its side. If we change our direction a little bit, we too can find the spark that ignites the star inside each of us.
The stars are right there within each one of us. Look carefully, look closely, and you’ll find that beautiful sparking star. I wish you a happy New Year, and after the holidays you will certainly come back with your new star!

Remember these words

1. One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.   

2. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.   

3. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.   

4.I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.

5.Love makes man grow up or sink down.   

6. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.  

7. We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.

8. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.   

9. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind.

10. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different.  

11.If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.   

12. Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.   

13. I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things. Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.

14. Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men.  

15.Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 

16. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.  

17. Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.   

18.In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness

19. If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly. coz only she has is misfortune.

21. An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting. A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.  

22. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.  

23. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.  

24.I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least. And then be a simple man.  

25. When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.   


As the teaching aisssitant to Marlene and Moshe

The days with Marlene and Moshe

As the teaching aisssitant to Marlene and Moshe month, my oral english improved a lot , and also make many new friends ,

Tonight she showed us her family's photos ,and Moshe's 70 birthday party; I found she has a big family , and the family full of love,

they ,as you can see in the photo ,is still looks full of vitality, I learned a lot from them, they are very serious and Responsible for our study and pronunciation.
After this teaching , they will have tour around China , best wishes to them!
I will miss Marlene and Moshe , and thanks their precious gift !

两位研究生MM, 和Marlene and Moshe

Ebody ,a good site to make friends and learn englsih


I registered just now ,and met many international friends , and I talk with Panama friend a lot ,

so if you want to practice you english and find international friends just go there,


My Enlish name Ebony,

 A long time , I want a englsih name ,but it hard to find a good one that i lile and implication my character , Until today I recognize this tree ebony , I love it , it tenacity, and strong ,,,

黑檀木(EBONY)学名苏拉威西乌木,是印尼国宝木,生长在印尼赤道旁的苏拉威西石头岛上,地处热带地区。终年干旱,树木生态环境极为恶劣,成材缓慢,需数百年以上。据南京林业大学鉴定,气干密度为1.14,入水即沉,木材结构极致密,材质硬重且均匀,木材黑色夹有灰褐至浅红的浅色条纹,耐磨及干燥后不变形,含油脂具金属般光泽,是著名的珍贵家具,高档装修,工艺雕刻及乐器用材,归入世界名木之列。目前印尼政府已限量采伐,并制定很高的关税政策,以保护濒临灭绝的黑檀木资源。印尼黑檀木,印度紫檀木、海南黄花梨木,三者被公认为所有红木之首,极具有收藏价值。   黑檀木目前不仅作为制作高档红木家具的上选作材,而且广泛用于高档装修,(如中华第一高楼――上海浦东金茂大厦即用作内装饰)、工艺品雕刻、乐器用材等方面。


花草树木词汇 rose 玫瑰花tulip 郁金香balsam 凤仙花canna 美人蕉lily 百合花jasmine 茉莉sweet pea 香豌豆花sunflower 向日葵geranium 大竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花cosmos 大波斯菊pansy 三色堇poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花carnation 麝香石竹amaryllis 孤挺花dahlia 大丽花pink 石竹花crocus 番红花iris 蝴蝶花hyacinth 风信花daffodil 黄水仙chrysanthemum 菊marguerite, daisy 雏菊gladiolus 剑兰cantury plant 龙舌兰magnolia 木兰yucca 丝兰orchid 兰花freesia 小苍兰cyclamen 仙客来begonia 秋海棠anemone 银莲花wisteria 柴藤redbud 紫荆dogwood 山茱萸hawthorn 山楂camellia 山茶hydrangea 八仙花hibiscus 木槿peony 芍药azalea 杜鹃rhododendron 杜鹃花daphne 瑞香gardenia 栀子lilac 紫丁香night-blooming cereus 仙人掌apple 苹果pear 梨orange 桔子quince 柑橘apricot 杏plum 洋李pistil 雌蕊ovary 子房petal 花瓣anther 花药stamen 雄蕊nectar gland 蜜腺sepal 萼片stalk 花柄pollen 花粉
pine 松cerdar 雪松类larch 落叶松juniper 杜松cone 松果cypress 柏树bamboo 竹box 黄杨poplar 白杨cottonwood 三角叶杨osier 紫皮柳树willow 垂柳birch 白桦maple 枫树sequoia 红杉fir 冷杉hemlock spruce 铁杉spruce 云杉yew 紫杉eucalytus 桉树locust 洋槐wattle 金合欢树camphor tree 樟树rosewood 紫檀ebony 乌檀sandalwood 檀香木satinwood 椴木linden 椴树rowan 欧洲山梨teak 柚木树elm 榆木树oak 橡树acorn 橡树果sycamore 美国梧桐ginkgo 银杏树holly 冬青coco 椰树date 枣椰树hickory 山核桃树plane tree 悬铃树beech 山毛榉horse chestnut 七叶树blackthorn 黑刺李baobab 猴面包树elder 接骨木myrtle 桃金娘科植物cycad 苏铁oil palm 油棕榈树treetop 树梢branch 树枝twig 小树枝bough 大树枝knot 树节trunk 树干leaf 树叶sprout 新芽sapling 树苗stump 树桩root 树根root hair 根毛taproot 主根bark 树皮resin 树脂pith 木髓cambium 形成层ring 年轮wood 木材
azalea 杜鹃花begonia 秋海棠Brazil 巴西木cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花chrysanthemum 菊花dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊datura 曼陀罗epiphyllum 昙花fringed iris 蝴蝶花fuchsia 倒挂金钟gardenia 栀子India canna 美人蕉jasmine 茉莉lilac 丁香lily 百合mangnolia 木兰花mangnolia 玉兰花morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃orchid 兰花pansy 三色堇peony 牡丹peony 芍药phalaenopsis 蝶兰rose 玫瑰rose 月季setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花tulip 郁金香violet, stock violet 紫罗兰water hyacinth 凤眼兰


Rock , the dog I miss a lot

My dog and me
Which animal do you like best? Have you ever raised a pet? If you did , so will sure to have a pleasant time, animals are our humans friend, it is them make we human not lonely in this planet.

I have ever raised dogs ,rabbit and cats, but the animal I favourite is dog, dog is also accompanied me the longest time in my childhood, It is when I was five years old, One day my father brought back a little black and yellow dog , it was our first met , he stared at me and I also curious look into his eyes, he had so big ears, and always cocked up; her eyes bright with expectation; I lifted his up, he was a little scared, I fondled him , the puppy was so cute , not long we became close friend ,and he accompanied me in the later six years ,and we grow up tegother with many happy time.

Oh, I forgot to to tell his name, he named Rock , he grew faster than me ,so not long ,he became much stonger than me . Once I had a conflict with several evil guys , I was been knocked down on the floor , in that emergency time ,Rock appeared, he roared toward to the bad guys , showed his teeth and put his ears back fight with them , with no thought for his own safety, these guys were frightened and ran away, so Rock saved me . Full of gratitude to him.

Dogs are very loyalty to his master, but Rock is the most loyalty one ; It is when I was nine years old , our whole family come to the countryside to spend our weekend with my grandpa and grandma, Rock also come along with us , but one afternoon Rock was missing ,and never appeared, grandpa said Rock maybe kidnapped and sold or killed far away , it impossible to come back, that was a big shock and hard hit to me , I was kept sadness for a long time , missed his so much, but grandpa said it was impossible for him to survived, but a inner voice told me he is still alive; I look forward to the emergence of a miracle !
Do you think if he come back or not ?
Yes,he did came back , just before my ten years old birthday, the time he missing to now is almost one month , he looked very tired and lost a lot of weight, He may has experienced many hardships and arduous journey to came back home ;I cried out of joy,
Then last two years Rock decrepit quickly, but our family still love him so much , then it was 1997, just before I entering junior middle schools he dead in serene,we buried him under the tree in the yard behinde our house.
Rock almost accompanied my whole childhood and gave me many happiness time,
though he left me for a long time , he was my first good buddy I still miss him a lot.

announce: because when was young i did't have a camera ,so the photo here i find in
This Year's Love http://flickr.com/photos/hand-nor-glove/ , the dog very like my dog , cute handsome ,




The History of Chinese Mid Autumn Festival

The History of Chinese Mid Autumn Festival

What is the Moon festival? Every year on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, when the moon is at its maximum brightness for the entire year, the Chinese all around the world celebrate "zhong qiu jie”. Or “Middle Autumn Season” Literally meaning Mid-Autumn festival
When did this festival first begin? No exact date can be found in historical documents, but scholars assume that it is related to 2 customs in China.
The first custom Concern that during the autumn of the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar is the time when rice paddies are harvested; some people believe that the Mid Autumn Festival came from the autumn reward ritual.
The second custom concerns worship of the moon. According to astronomy, the Mid Autumn Festival occurs at the autumn equinox. At this time, the sunlight shines vertically on the equator, equally dividing the day and night in both the southern and northern hemispheres. The moon appears in the evening with gentle winds and light clouds. This is the best time to watch the moon. People later made this day, the day to worship the moon.
Still it should not be confuse that the moon are just for celebration only.
Enjoying the moon is an ancient tradition in the world and also in China going back nearly 1,400 years. Visit any historical palace or classical garden and you will very likely find a "Moon Viewing Pavilion" or two.
It is lovely to think about actually, isn't it?
"Taking time with your friends and family to sit outside under a starless sky, gazing at the round white orb shining brightly from the heavens above, is something we, in this century, ought to schedule in our daytimes."