A Loss of Credibility: An American Story
Roger Snyder ( October 5, 2008)
Poster: Ebony
The past 8 years have not been kind to the United States. We were attacked in 2001 by Islamic terrorists. We have preemptively started 2 wars, both of which are still going on and one of which ( the Iraq war ) was started, and continues to this day, based on false information. In those continuing wars we have absorbed over 4100 of our young soldiers deaths, over 30,000 have been wounded, over 300,000 Iraqi’s have been killed ( most of them civilians ) and the cost of the war is approaching $800 billion and we continue to spend $10billion per month on the war effort. Many of our allies have left us and pulled their troops back home. We are facing the worst financial crisis in nearly 80 years since our Great Depression. Our unemployment is at a 7 year high, the stock market is now lower than when President Bush took office. Worst of all our credibility around the world is perhaps at an all time low.
How did this all happen? Is it so simple to just blame the Bush administration? Or were the current events we now must deal with simply inevitable to happen? That is to say, all the bad things going on now – were they going to happen anyway because of who we are? Were they going to happen anyway because of the way Americans think and behave?
I believe all the bad things that have happened, and continue to happen, is because of the behavior of the United States and the behavior of its people. It’s who we are that has put us in this mess. It’s the “swagger” of the American – that we can do anything we want – that is the root cause of all of these calamaties. And our competitors around the world? They must surely be enjoying the spectacle of a financially broken United States that is mired in 2 military conflicts that appear to have no ending. Our longstanding allies ( and many new ones ) have backed away from supporting further U.S. “adventures”. Our friends don’t even trust us anymore. They are now blaming their countries problems on the U.S. !
The U.S. Government has lost such credibility with its’ own citizens that our Congress has only a 9% approval amongst its voters. The Presidents approval rating is a mere 27%. In the history of the civilized world when people have disapproved of their leadership in such numbers as those a revolution or coup usually was the answer.
We, as a nation, will have a coup and that coup will take place on the first Tuesday of November 2008 when Americans will vote for a new President and new representatives in Congress. Out with the old in with the new.
Why do Americans so distrust their own government? The very government that they themselves voted in in a majority? It’s because we the people of these United States feel betrayed. We are certain our leaders have lied to us about the war and its cause. We are certain our government caters only to the wealthy as proved by the bailout of Wall Street – while ordinary Americans are losing their homes and their jobs in record numbers. Just last month ( September 2008 ) over 159,000 Americans lost their jobs. I don’t know about you but it’s very hard to make your house payments, feed your family, send your children to college and put gas in your car when you don’t have a job. However, with all that happening within our own country – we still can bailout the rich Wall Street Banks and traders with over $700 billion !
The American public has seen enough. Change will come. For good or bad, history will tell us. But, just as in physics, nature abhors a vacuum and so does politics. There will be a radical shift of power, focus and policy with a new administration. The people demand it.
I think we will see more of an administration that mirrors the Clinton Presidency of the 1990’s. A policy that we as a nation get along better with our neighbors around the world. A nation that no longer acts and behaves unilaterally towards problems around the world or bullies its allies to support our position or face an upset U.S. That’s why we have lost the respect of our longtime European allies. We have forced them these past 8 years to support us in Iraq, in Afghanistan, throughout the Middle East, and indeed around the world. These democratic governments are now facing the wrath of their own people who are blaming them for own ills which they then point to the root cause of all these problems – THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !
In the past Americans were loved around the world. Our manners, our culture, our honesty, our whole sense of optimism were revered around the world.
Now Americans are hardly even welcome in Europe ( Germany, Italy and France in particular ). The British are still our close allies but the tension with them is evident. The people there blame us for their woes. We have dragged them into wars and helped ruin their banking systems along with ours. The American – Euro banking system is in serious trouble. The Australians have lost their appetite for a war action that doesn’t appear to have an end.
Our countries finances are so broken that Chinese Sovereign Wealth Funds are now searched out as investors to shore up our broken system ( Morgan Stanley specifically ) and the Chinese Government itself is the second largest buyer ( Japan is first ) of our national debt from our own Treasury !
Why has our Government lost such credibility with its own citizens? Well, it’s hard to explain to your citizens that the financial system is so broken that we need to take money from the poor to give to the rich but first we have to borrow that money from a Government that our Government continues to call “communists”- so then we can give that money to the rich on Wall Street. But, since we “borrowed” it ( since we don’t have any money of our own any more ) from the “communists” we have to pay it back – so, the poor tax payer gets the privilege of paying back the “communists” and the rich Wall Street guys? Well, they’re still rich. The tax payer? He’s still poor. The “communists”? Well, they’re obviously the richest of all.
In summary, perhaps the best answer to all of our problems is to become “communists”. After all, they seem to be the only guys with any money, and their country is also the only major Super Power who hasn’t been involved in a war in the past 50 years.
信用的失丧--- 美国的故事
作者:罗杰 (Roger Snyder)
翻译: 罗玲
为什么美国人民如此不信任他们自己的政府,他们大多人自己亲手选出来的政府?这是因为,我们,美国人民,感到被背叛了。我们可以肯定我们的领袖关于这场战争及其原因对我们说了谎。我们可以肯定我们的政府只是一味地迎合富人们—这次的华尔街救市就是很好的证明---当普通美国人民正在创纪录地失去他们的家园,失去他们的工作时。 就在上个月(2008年九月)就有十五万九千人失业。我不知道你怎么样,但是如果没有工作,你要支付房款,供养家庭,送孩子上学,给车子加油便极端困难。然而,当这些在我们自己的国家发生时,我们竟然还能够用七千亿美元帮助富有的华尔街银行和交易商摆脱困境。
为什么我们的政府在我们的公民们面前如此失去信用?要跟你的公民们解释是非常困难的。我们的金融系统如此崩溃,我们不得不拿穷人的钱给富人。但首先我们政府要从那个我们继续称之为“共产主义”的政府那里借钱。这样,我们才能把那笔钱给华尔街的富人们。 但是,既然我们是从“共产主义们”手里借钱 (既然我们自己再也没钱了),我们还是要归还的。那么,可怜的纳税人就理所当然地要把钱还给“共产主义们”了。那么华尔街的富人们呢?他们继续富裕。纳税人呢? 继续捱穷。“共产主义们”? 当然,他们显而易见是最富有的了。